Student and Faculty Statistics
Average Class Size: 15 students
Current Enrollment: About 130 students PS-8th Grade
Number of Faculty: 9 full-time teachers / 2 part-time teachers / 1 full-time administrator, athletic director, teacher / 1 full-time music director
Other School Information
School Hours: 7:50 a.m. – 2:37 p.m.
Early Dismissal Time: 11:03 a.m..
Grades Offered: Preschool – 8th
Child Care Offered: Preschool – 8th grade
(Child Care, SPLASH – St. Peter Lutheran After School Help)
School Colors: Red & White
School Mascot: Panthers
Accreditations and Memberships
LCMS-Michigan District
National Lutheran Schools Accreditation (NLSA)
MANS – Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools
All classrooms have wireless internet (Wi-Fi) access
All classroom teachers have a Surface laptop connected to dual monitors, a ceiling-mounted projector, and a soundbar
All classrooms are equipped with a document camera
80 Chromebooks are used by students in Grades K-8
20 iPads are used by students in Grades K-8
Technology classes are offered to all students in Grades K-8
Art room

St. Peter has taken specific steps to address digital safety in our student body by partnering with Protect Young Eyes.
Protect Young Eyes is an organization dedicated to helping families, schools, and churches create safer digital environments by providing resources on digital safety. As part of their relationship with St. Peter, Protect Young Eyes has hosted Internet safety sessions for our students and engaged St. Peter's parent community with tailored interactive sessions to ensure parents are proactive with their children and digital safety.
Protect Young Eyes currently works with hundreds of private and public schools across the United States and Canada providing free resources to families who want to stay on top of the ever-changing digital world. Visit them at the link below.