Richland Lutheran Cemetery
It is time to clean up the grounds and prepare for spring. Please clean off all winter decorations such as grave blankets and wreaths off gravesites by April 1st.
Cemetery Guidelines
No planting of any trees or shrubs.
Decorate on one side only of a tombstone and not on the ends.
Width of flower bed is to be no more than 18 inches from base of stone and extend no further than the width of the stone.
Raised flower beds using timbers, bricks, mounds of dirt, or mulch are not permitted. The dirt for flowers must be level with the existing grass.
Flower bed edging must be installed level with the grass and be installed no wider than the width of the stone. Raised plastic fencing is not allowed.
Flower urns and pots must follow the same rules for location and size as for flower beds. Shepherd hooks must be tight against the gravestone.
No statues, benches, toys, items attached to wire or plastic rods, trinkets, or decorative lights are allowed. Tripod wire stands are only allowed for winter decorations. American flag holders are permitted all year.
No wood chips, mulch, or landscape stone is permitted on graves or in the flowerbeds. This interferes with fall cleanup.
No military stones, footstones, metal or plastic fencing, or other items are permitted between the rows of gravestones.
The cemetery may remove any and all flowers, trees, shrubs, hedges, or other plantings that have become unsightly or dangerous or that encroach on an adjoining grave or walkway.
Grave blankets and wreaths are allowed from November 15th through April 1st and must be removed April 1st or Palm Sunday, whichever comes first.
Cemetery hours are from DAWN to DUSK. Anyone entering the cemetery after dark is TRESPASSING on PRIVATE PROPERTY and is subject to arrest and prosecution.
This cemetery is owned by St. Peter Lutheran Church, Hemlock, MI. For questions or concerns, call the church at (989) 642-8188.