The PTL has many committees that are continually in need of volunteers. Parents of our school students are asked to sign up for different volunteer opportunities in our school. More information about each committee can be found below. You can also view them in a printable format by clicking on the button below.
Level 1 Committees
Field Day Committee
One-day commitment on Friday, May 30, 2025, from 12:30-2:20
Committee members will be given an organized event task sheet about one week prior to the start of Field Day with their activity duties. Parent volunteers help to lead the different Field Day events in this fun afternoon for students in grades K-8.
Parents' Day
Date: TBD
The committee is responsible for setting up the day before and cleaning up after the event. They may also be asked to help with preparing the food.
Outdoor Clean-Up Committee
2-3 hours twice during the school year
This committee is asked to clean up our playground area and any outdoor areas around the school once or twice during the school year.
Health Walk Committee
On Wednesday, June 4, 2025, from 1:00-2:30 (2.5 hours)
This committee will assist at our annual health walk with setting up the course, handing out water tallying laps walked by the students, and clean up.
Room Parent
Throughout the year
The sign up for Room Parents will take place later in the year. Room parents will coordinate a party suited for the occasion. Teachers like a healthy snack, beverage, napkins, plates, 1 activity/game and 1 craft. Room parents should coordinate everything with the teacher. There will be a SignUpGenius sign up for events like Christmas and Valentine’s Day.
Turkey Trot
On Saturday, November 2 (4-6 hours)
This committee is responsible for registration before the race, set-up, parking, course help, preparing the snacks, and clean up on the day of the race, November 2.
Family Glow Party/Dance Night
4-6 hours during winter or spring
This committee will help to plan and organize the Family Glow Party/Dance Night. This event will take place sometime in February-May.
Level 2 Committees
Christmas Bazaar
On Saturday, December 7, 2024 (two-day commitment Dec, 6-7)
Chairperson will call the committee and organize the annual bazaar in December. The committee will send out notices to participants, advertise, set up the night before, and clean up after the bazaar.
Sawdust Days Float
Chairperson will call everyone and choose a date to meet to discuss ideas for the float. The chairperson purchases the supplies (reimbursed by PTL), makes arrangements to have the float pulled in the parade by an individual, gets permit and registration forms from the school to fill out and submit in a timely manner, is the contact for parade information, delegates responsibility and supervises the construction of the float. Committee volunteers (children are welcome to help out) come up with the idea for the float which ties the float theme and our school theme together. The committee constructs the float.
PTL Auction Chairperson/Committee
This chairperson will supervise and organize the event with the committee members and call all the meetings by contacting the committee. The chairperson’s responsibilities include many tasks. This committee will work closely with the chairperson’s directions. The following are some of the duties that will be split into sub-committees: create and distribute flyers, advertise, gather donations, set up the night before, gather theme supplies, clean up after the event, accounting, sell tickets, gather ticket sales, greet at the event, and more. This is one of the PTL’s biggest events of the year and has been very successful in supporting the school with technology, music, and updates.
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Committee
Throughout the year - at least once/month)
This committee will organize ways to show teachers/staff appreciation throughout the year (about once/month or once/quarter) and the teacher/staff appreciation luncheon at the end of the year. The committee is seeking one parent from each grade (one parent can cover more than one grade).