Mission Statement
The mission of St. Peter Lutheran congregation is to proclaim the saving gospel of Jesus Christ to the unchurched and nurture the faith of its members through word and sacraments.
Vision Statement
St. Peter Lutheran Church and School is committed to meeting the spiritual needs of our members and the community. We nurture the faith of our members and provide Christ-centered, academically excellent education for all God’s children. We pursue opportunities to increase our community outreach and improve our facilities while practicing good stewardship of God’s gifts.
Core Values
The core values of St. Peter Lutheran Church and School are:
REVERENCE: We give honor and glory to God above all things.
BIBLICAL TRUTH: We provide a ministry to believers according to the Scriptures and Lutheran Confessions.
DISCIPLESHIP: We exercise Christian love and fellowship in order to extend the Kingdom of God at large. We nurture present and future congregational and Church leaders.
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: We teach and live the Christian faith according to Lutheran doctrine; we provide and maintain a Christ-centered, academically excellent education.