St. Peter Lutheran has two Endowment Funds (Church & School) to help support its mission and ministries. The three primary purposes for the Endowment Funds are:
St. Peter Family School Aid (including tuition and book fees for member and community families)
Scholarships for Pastoral and Teaching Ministries
Support St. Peter Ministries
Here are the ABC's for giving to a St. Peter Lutheran Endowment Fund:
Ask for God's Guidance: God has provided you with many blessings. Ask Him in prayer for the best use of these gifts whether now or when you no longer need them in this earthly life.
Bequest in Your Will: The simplest way to make a planned gift is by naming the Endowment Funds in your will. A bequest is a meaningful way to support the Endowment Funds without affecting your cash flow during your lifetime. An attorney can include it when you prepare or revise your will or you can add a codicil at any time.
Current Gift: Provide one-time or ongoing gifts of cash or publicly traded securities to the Endowment Funds.
Designate as a Beneficiary: Naming the Endowment Funds as a beneficiary or partial beneficiary of certain retirement plans (i.e. IRAs, 401(k), 403(b), or Keoghs plans), life insurance policies, bank accounts or investments is a simple and easy method of deferred giving.
Establish a Trust: Naming the Endowment Funds in a trust or establishing a charitable trust is a flexible way to serve your current and long-term financial and philanthropic interests.
There are many reasons to give to St. Peter Lutheran Endowment Funds:
Giving honor to God as the Creator of all things. All that we have is a gift from Him.
Providing everlasting support to St. Peter Lutheran Church & School ministries.
Experiencing the joy of generosity and Christian stewardship.
Helping you maximize your giving, minimize taxes and optimize timing.
Here are different ways you can donate:
Check (made out to St. Peter Lutheran Church)
Simply Giving
Contacting church/school office
If you would like to request grant funding for a specified need within our church & school, community, or throughout the world, please fill out a grant request below. The purpose of Endowment Fund Disbursements is to help St. Peter fulfill its mission and vision statements while maintaining its core values. This can be achieved by supporting the following areas:
New ministry programs or projects at St. Peter Church and School
The enrichment of current programs or projects at St. Peter Church and School
Uplift and support the professional staff of the church and school
New or existing programs or projects of the districts, seminaries, colleges, universities, institutions, auxiliaries, or recognized service organizations of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
New or existing programs or projects submitted by congregational members for approved charitable purposes.
Financial stability and help the congregation to grow in perpetuity
St. Peter Lutheran Church ministries and needs
St. Peter Lutheran School ministries and needs
Scholarships for Pastoral and Teaching Ministries
Other areas/projects of need outside of the Annual Budget
Outreach opportunities
Provide opportunities for enrichment that might not otherwise be available