PTL Auction
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2024 St. Peter Lutheran PTL Auction Recap
Auction Sets Record: Our annual auction has always been a huge fundraiser for our school. The 2024 auction reached its highest mark in the last 18 years topping over $80,000, which includes the dollar for dollar match. Thank you for helping to make this a wonderful success!
Thank you to the following who made this a great event:
Our auction chair-people: Mrs. Jennifer Hahn and Mrs. Trisha Knezek
Our auction committee: Jen & Gary Hahn, Trisha & Jim Knezek, Jenn & Todd Starke, Lisa Edgecomb, and Julie Ryan
Helpers on the night of the auction: Valerie Newton, Fred & Gretchen Jungnitsch, Mike & Kerri LaFore, Glen Hubbell, and Emily Abraham
Alyssa Shirely for all of her work in the office
Swan Valley Banquet Center for their wonderful service
Our auctioneer, Mr. Ashley Peters, and his helper, Vernon
To all of those who donated
Save the Date: Next year's auction will be on Saturday, April 5, 2025